July Newsletter

  • 11 years ago

Well, Fourth of July came and went without a hitch. Since we have in recent years been without the annual fireworks display, many locals travel out of town to the Bay Area and beyond for their pyrotechnic fix. Others still sneak down to Carmel Beach and Still Water Cove in Pebble Beach in search of an opportunity to set off a few bottle rockets or Roman Candles. I still recall heading down to Carmel Beach with my Dad in about 93′ or 94′ with some school friends to rejoice in our own little 4th of July “celebration”. My Dad made us stay in the car while he stuck about a half dozen Roman Candles in the sand, lit them all at the same time and then jumped in the car as if he’d just robbed a bank. Good/wholesome memories! I digress…. Even still with the partial exodus of the local population, Carmel and the Monterey Peninsula remain a growing destination on this most righteous of American Holidays.

For June: Another month of steady demand on the books; another month of somewhat lower inventory. For our buyer clients, this can be a bit frustrating. Still, those perfect properties can present themselves when you least expect, and bring on a flurry of activity and even multiple offers.

Please scroll down to see the June market activity, by area………..



If you know someone who is considering buying or selling a home, please give me a call. I will provide superior service, in-depth market knowledge and thoughtful guidance through the entire process.



Carmel real estate inventory is currently at 122 available homes, with a total of 24 closed transactions during the month of June, from $600K to $3.5M. The highest dollar activity was on Carmel Point, and the Northeast area just above Bruno’s market downtown; the lowest was in the Outlook Drive area, across Highway 1.

Pebble Beach

Pebble Beach real estate inventory is currently at 73 available homes, listed from $579K to $22M. There were a total of 7 closed transactions during June, from $451K to $1.8M, and none of which were in the estate areas.

Carmel Valley

Carmel real estate inventory is currently at 87 available homes, listed from $345K to  $60M for a 14,ooo acre equestrian ranch complete with private airstrip. There were a total of 16 closed transactions in June, from $350k to $1.825M.

Carmel Highlands

Carmel Highlands real estate inventory is currently at 24 available homes, listed from $1.585M to $12.988M. There were a total of 3 closed transactions at $2.2M, $2.743M and $4.4M, respectively. All had some water views.

Salinas Monterey Highway ~ 68 Corridor

The 68 Corridor has a total of 76 available homes, listed from $379K to $4.5M for a Bay Ridge estate. There were a total of 21 closed transactions from $383K to $2.575M in Markham Ranch.


Monterey has a total of 76 available homes, listed from $230K to $1.695M. There were a total of 15 closed transactions from $105K to $1.997M.

Pacific Grove

Pacific Grove has a total of 47 available homes, listed from $400K to $3.6M. There were a total of 17 closed transactions from $330K to $8.65M, a new record setting price for waterfront in the city.

Disclaimer: The numbers and activity represented in this report were drawn directly from the MLS, the California Association Of Realtors, Freddie Mac and other sources, and are generally accepted as correct but are subject to change and/or mistakes.

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